For Recruiters / Employers
How do I post a job on OnlyMarketingJobs?
Here are the steps to manually post a job in your OnlyMarketingJobs account.
Under Publish Jobs in your account, click Post New Job.
Complete the required fields, including Job Title, Job Description, and Job Location.
Click Proceed to Next Step.
Complete any of the remaining optional fields to add more details to your job posting. remaining fields. (Note: The more information you include, the more likely candidates are to apply!)
Click Save and Publish.
How do I add employees to our account?
- Click Manage Employees under Company Navigation on the far left of the page.
- Click ADD located in the middle of the page.
- Fill out the new employee’s information.
How do I search for candidates on OnlyMarketingJobs?
- When you’re logged into your OnlyMarketingJobs account, click Search Candidates on the left.
- Select an Occupation from the dropdown.
- Select one or multiple Specialties from the dropdown.
- Search results will automatically update.
- Use any other filter criteria on the left to narrow your candidate search results.
How do I edit my company profile?
- To edit your OnlyMarketingJobs company profile, click Manage Company Profile under Company Navigation.
- You can edit any company information and include a description about your company.
- Add images (media) or videos by clicking Insert Media or Insert Video. Note: All media and videos must be approved by the job board owner.
- Add or edit your Company Website.
- Click Upload Logo to add your company logo.
- Click Save.
For Jobseekers
How do I post a job on OnlyMarketingJobs?
Here are the steps to manually post a job in your OnlyMarketingJobs account.
Under Publish Jobs in your account, click Post New Job.
Complete the required fields, including Job Title, Job Description, and Job Location.
Click Proceed to Next Step.
Complete any of the remaining optional fields to add more details to your job posting. remaining fields. (Note: The more information you include, the more likely candidates are to apply!)
Click Save and Publish.
How do I add employees to our account?
- Click Manage Employees under Company Navigation on the far left of the page.
- Click ADD located in the middle of the page.
- Fill out the new employee’s information.
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